You can help feed sea turtles!
First, let us introduce Ms. Élaine Clément, a Quebec woman passionate about sea turtles, who is responsible for the Canadian support group for the Cayo Largo Marine Turtles Protection and Handling program. She is kindly nicknamed Lady Turtle (Señora Tortuga)! She is also a founding member of the Lady Turtle Foundation. Élaine has been a volunteer collaborator at the Sea Turtle Rescue Center since 2007. Her dedication, on-the-ground help, financial support, and efforts to promote this ambitious conservation program make her a valued partner!
Among the many implications and projects put forward by "Lady Turtle", the one in question here is to send food to supplement the diet of resident turtles at the center.
An invitation for tourists to participate in the proper feeding of sea turtles
Please carry containers of turtle food to Cayo Largo, we provide them!
Quality and nutritious food contributes greatly to the health (current and future) of sea turtles (newborns, juveniles, and adults). Élaine has obtained from Hagen a phenomenal amount of specialized food containers that are waiting only for one thing: to find their way to the Sea Turtle Rescue Center in Cayo Largo!
How to participate?
Simply by providing a small place in your suitcase. Tourists heading to Cayo Largo are kindly invited to bring a few small food containers with them (about 1 Kg per passenger). It's not heavy and it's for a good cause!
Where to get the food containers?
Élaine has set up a distribution network with the help of many volunteers from several regions of Quebec. These pick-up locations will allow you to find a place near you to pick-up your precious package. People living in remote areas or other provinces can receive containers by mail. Contact Elaine for arrangements.
How to bring the turtle food to Cayo Largo?
The food containers of different sizes are new, well sealed and lightweight. Élaine will send you an e-mail with all the details regarding their transportation in your luggage. She will also send you a letter written in Spanish for the Cuban customs, just in case they would ask questions; which is unlikely because of the frequency and the very large amount of food containers that have entered Cayo Largo in the suitcases of tourists over the years. They are accustomed to see them! But in the event that your baggage is being searched for any reason and customs officers do not seem to want to cooperate, just leave them the turtle food. It will eventually find its way to the marina.
to whom giving the turtle food on site?
You will probably want to give them yourself and, at the same time, take the opportunity to meet the Turtle Center staff and say hello to the turtles! You are invited to leave the turtle food to the Marina's Tourism Office (Buro de Turismo) adjacent to the turtle center, see here the location of the Sea Turtle Rescue Center. At the reception of food containers, they will offer you free admission to visit the Centro de Rescate of Tortugas Marinas. But if you don't want or don't have the chance to go to the pueblo (village), you can also hand the food containers to the Cubatur representative at your hotel (or any other tour operators representative), he/she will take care of contacting the marina so they call collect the containers.
You would be happy to bring turtle food to Cayo Largo? Then please...
Contact Élaine at :
Would you like to make a donation?
The needs are great, as much at the logistic and material as financial level. Any contribution is welcome and will be put to good use in the purchase of supplies, equipment, medicine, and small equipment necessary for the smooth running of the program. Élaine has set up a foundation whose mission is to support the marine turtle protection programs of Cayo Largo and the Caribbean in general. This non-profit organization is empowered to collect donations and use them to carry out its mission. We invite you to give generously, either through the foundation created by Elaine, or directly to the Turtle Center during your next trip to Cayo Largo.

Fondation Madame Tortue | Lady Turtle Foundation | Fundación Señora Tortuga

The collaboration of people sensitive to the preservation of these species identified as vulnerable or endangered is valuable and greatly appreciated. As you can see, Élaine and her Canadian support team are working very hard to ensure the smooth operation and continuity of the Cayo Largo Marine Turtles Protection and Handling Program.
THANK YOU for your collaboration! And THANK YOU to Élaine for this great initiative!
Lily & Normand
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